Schools and Daycare Inspections

Understanding Child Care Facility and School Inspections: What We Inspect and Document

Ensuring the safety, cleanliness, and functionality of child care facilities and schools is crucial for protecting the well-being of children and staff. At American Dream Property Inspections, we provide comprehensive evaluations of these environments to help administrators maintain safe, healthy, and compliant spaces for education and care.

Common Problems in Child Care Facilities and Schools

1. Structural Integrity

  • Problem: Buildings that house child care facilities and schools need to be structurally sound to ensure the safety of children and staff. Over time, issues such as cracks in walls, foundation settling, or roof leaks can occur, compromising the building’s safety.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the overall structure of the facility, including the foundation, walls, support beams, and roof. We document any signs of structural damage, deterioration, or instability and provide recommendations for necessary repairs or reinforcement.

2. HVAC and Ventilation Systems

  • Problem: Proper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) are essential in maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment. Inadequate ventilation, poor air quality, or temperature control issues can affect the health and comfort of children and staff.
  • Inspection Focus: We evaluate the HVAC and ventilation systems, ensuring they are functioning efficiently and providing adequate air quality and temperature control. We document any issues and recommend maintenance or upgrades to improve the indoor environment.

3. Electrical Systems

  • Problem: Schools and child care facilities require reliable electrical systems to power lighting, security systems, computers, and other essential equipment. Problems such as outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, or insufficient power supply can create safety hazards and disrupt operations.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the electrical systems, including wiring, circuit panels, outlets, and lighting. We document any electrical deficiencies or potential hazards and recommend upgrades or repairs to ensure safety and reliability.

4. Plumbing Systems

  • Problem: Functional plumbing is essential in facilities where children are present, particularly for maintaining hygiene in restrooms and kitchens. Issues such as leaks, clogs, or water pressure problems can lead to unsanitary conditions and health risks.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the plumbing systems, including water supply lines, drainage, and restrooms. We document any plumbing issues and provide recommendations for repairs or improvements to maintain a clean and safe environment.

5. Fire Safety Systems

  • Problem: Fire safety is a critical concern in schools and child care facilities, where the presence of children demands stringent safety measures. Properly functioning fire alarms, sprinklers, and accessible fire exits are vital to ensure swift and safe evacuation in an emergency.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the fire safety systems, including alarms, sprinklers, fire extinguishers, and emergency exits. We document any deficiencies or non-compliance with fire safety codes and provide recommendations for necessary upgrades or repairs.

6. Playground and Outdoor Areas

  • Problem: Playgrounds and outdoor areas are essential for children’s physical development and playtime, but they also pose risks if not properly maintained. Issues such as unsafe play equipment, poor surfacing, or inadequate fencing can lead to injuries.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect playgrounds and outdoor areas for safety hazards, including the condition of play equipment, surfacing materials, and fencing. We document any risks and recommend improvements to enhance safety and compliance with relevant standards.

7. Pest Control

  • Problem: Child care facilities and schools can attract pests due to food preparation areas, waste disposal, and storage spaces. Rodents, insects, and other pests can spread diseases, damage property, and create an unhealthy environment.
  • Inspection Focus: We check for signs of pest activity and assess the effectiveness of current pest control measures. We document any evidence of infestations and recommend steps to improve pest management and prevention.

8. Restroom and Sanitation Facilities

  • Problem: Maintaining clean and functional restrooms is vital for preventing the spread of illness in child care facilities and schools. Issues such as inadequate sanitation, broken fixtures, or insufficient cleaning can lead to unsanitary conditions.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the condition and cleanliness of restrooms, including fixtures, ventilation, and accessibility. We document any sanitation issues and provide recommendations for improvements to ensure a hygienic environment.

9. ADA Compliance

  • Problem: Schools and child care facilities must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure accessibility for all students and staff. Non-compliance can result in legal issues and prevent equal access to educational opportunities.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the facility for ADA compliance, including accessible entrances, restrooms, classrooms, and pathways. We document any non-compliance issues and provide recommendations to meet ADA requirements.

10. Security and Safety Systems

  • Problem: Ensuring the security and safety of children is paramount in schools and child care facilities. Issues such as inadequate security systems, poor lighting, or unsecured access points can pose risks to the safety of children and staff.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the security systems, including access control, surveillance cameras, lighting, and emergency protocols. We document any vulnerabilities and recommend improvements to enhance the safety and security of the facility.

What American Dream Property Inspections Looks For

At American Dream Property Inspections, we conduct thorough inspections of child care facilities and schools, identifying potential issues and providing a clear, detailed report. Here’s what we specifically look for and document:

1. Inspection Findings and Documentation

  • We document the findings from the inspection, including any issues with structural integrity, HVAC systems, plumbing, and electrical systems. Detailed descriptions and photographs are included in the report.

2. Location and Extent of Issues

  • We identify and document specific problem areas, including the extent of any damage or maintenance needs. We provide visual evidence and descriptions to help understand the scope of each issue.

3. Recommendations for Repairs and Maintenance

  • Based on our findings, we offer recommendations for necessary repairs, maintenance, or improvements. This includes suggestions for addressing safety hazards, updating systems, and ensuring compliance with fire safety and ADA regulations.

4. Safety and Compliance Concerns

  • We assess potential safety and compliance concerns related to the facility’s condition. We provide recommendations for improving fire safety, ensuring ADA compliance, and maintaining adherence to health and safety regulations.

5. Inspection Summary

  • Our inspection report includes a summary of findings, complete with photos, descriptions, and actionable recommendations. This provides a comprehensive overview of the facility’s condition and any required actions.


A thorough inspection of child care facilities and schools is essential for ensuring safety, functionality, and compliance with regulations. At American Dream Property Inspections, we provide a detailed evaluation of these environments, identifying potential issues and documenting them in a clear and actionable report. Our reports include photos, descriptions, and recommendations, giving facility administrators and managers the information they need to maintain and improve their spaces effectively.