Restaurant and Bar Inspections

Understanding Restaurant and Bar Inspections: What We Inspect and Document

Restaurants and bars have unique inspection needs due to their high-traffic environments, strict health regulations, and specialized equipment. At American Dream Property Inspections, we provide thorough evaluations of these commercial spaces to ensure they meet safety, functionality, and regulatory standards.

Common Problems in Restaurants and Bars

1. Kitchen Equipment and Ventilation

  • Problem: Commercial kitchens are prone to wear and tear due to heavy use. Problems with stoves, fryers, ventilation hoods, and grease traps can lead to fire hazards, inefficiencies, or health code violations.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect kitchen equipment for proper operation and safety, checking ventilation hoods, grease traps, and fire suppression systems. We document any issues with equipment or ventilation and provide recommendations for repairs or upgrades.

2. Electrical Systems

  • Problem: Restaurants and bars often require robust electrical systems to handle various appliances, lighting, and entertainment equipment. Issues such as outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, or insufficient outlets can pose significant safety hazards.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the electrical system for safety and functionality, checking for proper wiring, adequate circuit capacity, and functioning outlets. We document any electrical issues and recommend necessary upgrades to ensure safe operation.

3. Plumbing Systems

  • Problem: Plumbing issues, including leaks, clogs, and poor drainage, can disrupt operations and lead to unsanitary conditions. In restaurants, plumbing systems are especially critical for maintaining hygiene standards.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the plumbing system for leaks, clogs, and overall functionality, including sinks, dishwashers, and restrooms. We document any plumbing issues and provide recommendations for repairs or improvements.

4. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems

  • Problem: Proper climate control is essential for maintaining a comfortable environment for customers and staff. Inadequate or malfunctioning HVAC systems can lead to uncomfortable temperatures, poor air quality, or health code violations.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the HVAC system for proper operation, including heating, cooling, and ventilation. We document any issues and recommend maintenance or upgrades to improve climate control and air quality.

5. Fire Safety Systems

  • Problem: Fire safety is paramount in restaurants and bars due to the presence of cooking equipment, open flames, and large crowds. Functional smoke detectors, alarms, fire extinguishers, and fire exits are critical.
  • Inspection Focus: We evaluate fire safety systems, including smoke detectors, alarms, fire extinguishers, and fire exits. We document any deficiencies and provide recommendations to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations.

6. Structural Integrity

  • Problem: High foot traffic, frequent deliveries, and heavy kitchen equipment can put strain on a restaurant or bar’s structure. Problems like floor damage, ceiling leaks, or cracks in walls can affect both safety and aesthetics.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the structural integrity of the building, including floors, walls, ceilings, and support beams. We document any structural issues and provide recommendations for repairs or reinforcement.

7. Restrooms

  • Problem: Restrooms in restaurants and bars must be well-maintained, clean, and compliant with accessibility standards. Issues like leaks, poor ventilation, or inadequate facilities can lead to customer complaints and health code violations.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect restrooms for cleanliness, functionality, and compliance with accessibility standards. We document any issues and recommend repairs or upgrades to meet regulatory requirements.

8. Pest Control

  • Problem: Pest infestations can be a serious issue in restaurants and bars due to the presence of food, waste, and high traffic. Rodents, insects, and other pests pose health risks and can lead to failed health inspections.
  • Inspection Focus: We check for signs of pest infestations and assess pest control measures. We document any potential pest issues and recommend steps to improve pest management and prevention.

9. Sanitation and Cleanliness

  • Problem: Maintaining a high level of cleanliness is crucial in restaurants and bars to comply with health codes and ensure customer satisfaction. Issues like improper waste disposal, dirty surfaces, or unhygienic practices can lead to health violations.
  • Inspection Focus: We evaluate the overall cleanliness and sanitation practices in the establishment, including waste disposal, surface cleanliness, and food storage. We document any sanitation concerns and provide recommendations for improvements.

10. ADA Compliance

  • Problem: Restaurants and bars must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure accessibility for all patrons. Non-compliance can result in legal issues and fines.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the property for ADA compliance, including accessible entrances, restrooms, and seating areas. We document any non-compliance issues and provide recommendations to meet ADA requirements.

What American Dream Property Inspections Looks For

At American Dream Property Inspections, we conduct a detailed inspection of restaurants and bars, identifying potential issues and providing a clear, detailed report. Here’s what we specifically look for and document:

1. Inspection Findings and Documentation

  • We document the findings from the inspection, including any issues with kitchen equipment, HVAC systems, plumbing, and electrical systems. Detailed descriptions and photographs are included in the report.

2. Location and Extent of Issues

  • We identify and document specific problem areas, including the extent of any damage or maintenance needs. We provide visual evidence and descriptions to help understand the scope of each issue.

3. Recommendations for Repairs and Maintenance

  • Based on our findings, we offer recommendations for necessary repairs, maintenance, or improvements. This includes suggestions for addressing safety hazards, updating systems, and ensuring compliance with health codes and ADA requirements.

4. Safety and Compliance Concerns

  • We assess potential safety and compliance concerns related to the property’s condition. We provide recommendations for improving fire safety, ensuring proper sanitation, and maintaining adherence to health and safety regulations.

5. Inspection Summary

  • Our inspection report includes a summary of findings, complete with photos, descriptions, and actionable recommendations. This provides a comprehensive overview of the property’s condition and any required actions.


A thorough inspection of restaurants and bars is essential for ensuring safety, functionality, and compliance with health and safety regulations. At American Dream Property Inspections, we provide a detailed evaluation of these commercial spaces, identifying potential issues and documenting them in a clear and actionable report. Our reports include photos, descriptions, and recommendations, giving owners and managers the information they need to maintain and improve their establishments effectively.