Multi-Unit Property Inspections

Understanding Multi-Unit Property Inspections: What We Inspect and Document

Multi-unit properties, such as apartment buildings, present unique challenges and potential issues that require specialized inspection techniques. At American Dream Property Inspections, we provide comprehensive evaluations of these properties to ensure they meet safety, functionality, and regulatory standards.

Common Problems in Multi-Unit Properties

1. Structural Integrity

  • Problem: Structural issues, such as foundation settling, cracks in the walls, or roof damage, can affect the safety and stability of the entire building. These problems can be exacerbated by the larger scale and age of multi-unit properties.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the building’s foundation, walls, roof, and other structural components for signs of damage or instability. We document any structural issues and provide recommendations for repairs or reinforcement.

2. Roofing Systems

  • Problem: Roofing in multi-unit properties can experience leaks, wear and tear, or damage from weather. Proper maintenance is essential to protect the building from water damage and other related issues.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the condition of the roofing system, including checking for leaks, damage, and overall wear. We document any roofing issues and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.

3. HVAC Systems

  • Problem: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in multi-unit properties can suffer from poor performance, mechanical failures, or inefficiencies. Ensuring consistent and efficient HVAC operation across multiple units is crucial.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the HVAC systems for proper operation and performance, including examining components like furnaces, air conditioners, and ductwork. We document any issues and provide recommendations for repairs or upgrades.

4. Plumbing Systems

  • Problem: Plumbing in multi-unit properties is often complex, with numerous pipes and fixtures spread across many units. Common issues include leaks, clogs, and drainage problems, which can impact multiple units simultaneously.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the plumbing system for signs of leaks, clogs, and overall functionality. We check pipes, fixtures, and connections, documenting any issues and recommending necessary repairs or improvements.

5. Electrical Systems

  • Problem: Electrical systems in multi-unit properties can have outdated wiring, insufficient capacity, or safety hazards, especially in older buildings. Ensuring the system meets code and can handle the building’s load is essential.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect the electrical system for proper wiring, functioning outlets, and safety compliance. We document any issues with the electrical system and provide recommendations for upgrades or repairs.

6. Fire Safety Systems

  • Problem: Multi-unit properties require functional fire safety systems, including smoke detectors, alarms, fire extinguishers, and sprinklers. Fire safety is critical for protecting residents and meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess fire safety systems for functionality and compliance with safety regulations. We check smoke detectors, alarms, and sprinkler systems, documenting any issues and recommending necessary updates or repairs.

7. Water Damage and Mold

  • Problem: Water damage can occur from leaks, poor drainage, or roof issues, leading to mold growth, which poses health risks. Multi-unit properties are particularly vulnerable due to shared walls and ceilings.
  • Inspection Focus: We inspect for signs of water damage and mold in common areas, individual units, and building exteriors. We document any findings and provide recommendations for remediation and prevention.

8. Exterior and Common Areas

  • Problem: The condition of exterior surfaces and common areas like lobbies, hallways, and stairwells can impact the overall safety and appeal of the property. Cracked pavements, damaged railings, or poorly maintained landscaping can pose risks to residents.
  • Inspection Focus: We assess the condition of exterior surfaces, common areas, and amenities. We document any issues with paving, railings, landscaping, or lighting, providing recommendations for repairs or improvements.

9. Tenant-Related Issues

  • Problem: In multi-unit properties, tenant behaviors can affect the condition of individual units and common areas. Issues like unauthorized modifications, poor maintenance, or blocked access points can create hazards or reduce property value.
  • Inspection Focus: We identify any tenant-related issues that may require attention, such as damage caused by modifications or poor upkeep. We document these issues and suggest corrective actions.

10. Compliance with Local Codes and Regulations

  • Problem: Multi-unit properties must comply with a wide range of local building codes and regulations, including accessibility, fire safety, and zoning laws. Non-compliance can lead to fines, legal issues, and operational disruptions.
  • Inspection Focus: We review the property’s compliance with relevant building codes and regulations. We document any areas of non-compliance and provide recommendations for bringing the property up to standard.

What American Dream Property Inspections Looks For

At American Dream Property Inspections, we conduct a detailed inspection of multi-unit properties to identify and assess potential issues. Here’s what we specifically look for and document in our inspection report:

1. Inspection Findings and Documentation

  • We document the findings from the inspection, including any issues with structural integrity, roofing, HVAC systems, plumbing, and electrical systems. Detailed descriptions and photographs are included in the report.

2. Location and Extent of Issues

  • We identify and document specific problem areas, including the extent of any damage or maintenance needs. We provide visual evidence and descriptions to help understand the scope of each issue.

3. Recommendations for Repairs and Maintenance

  • Based on our findings, we offer recommendations for necessary repairs, maintenance, or improvements. This includes suggestions for addressing structural issues, improving safety systems, and enhancing the overall condition of the property.

4. Safety and Compliance Concerns

  • We assess potential safety and compliance concerns related to the property’s condition. We provide recommendations for improving safety, ensuring fire safety compliance, and maintaining adherence to local regulations.

5. Inspection Summary

  • Our inspection report includes a summary of findings, complete with photos, descriptions, and actionable recommendations. This provides a comprehensive overview of the property’s condition and any required actions.


A thorough inspection of multi-unit properties is essential for ensuring safety, functionality, and regulatory compliance. At American Dream Property Inspections, we provide a detailed evaluation of apartment buildings and other multi-unit properties, identifying potential issues and documenting them in a clear and actionable report. Our reports include photos, descriptions, and recommendations, giving property owners and managers the information they need to maintain and improve their buildings effectively.